Tips for Mentoring a Student Teacher - Grading Tips

I hope you enjoyed part 7 of this series about giving feedback to your student teacher.  If you missed it, you can click on the picture above to see all the posts in this series!

Once your student teacher starts teaching lessons, it is important for him/her to learn how to grade.  Make sure you discuss your grading scale.  Do your students receive letter grades, number grades, codes, etc?  Whatever you use, make sure your student teacher understands.

Show your student teacher how you keep track of grades.  Where is your grade book?  Is it electronic?  Is it on a website or is it just a program on your computer?  Is it a paper copy?  

Once your student teacher begins grading, where do you want him/her to record the grades?  Do you even want him/her to input it directly?  Do you want the grades to be written out on a spreadsheet for you to input the grades later?  Do you just want the graded papers back in a pile for you to record?

To go along with these blog posts, I have created a guide.  This guide will be for sale in my TpT store.  It is currently $5.50 in my store!  If you purchase it now, you will be able to get all the updates for free just by downloading it again when I add tips to it.

You might be wondering why you should purchase it since I'll be listing the tips for free here.  Well, in addition to keeping all the tips together in a uniform guide, I will be creating printables that you can use with your own student teacher.  You won't be able to get those here on my blog.

Remember, the price will go up in 2 weeks when I post the next tip here on my blog!

Here's a guide for you so you can see when to expect the tips.

What other grading tips do you have?

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