Tips for Mentoring a Student Teacher - Releasing Responsibilities to Student Teacher
I hope you found my second set of tips useful! You can click on the picture above to see all the posts in this series. Once your student teacher is introduced to the families, you need to set up a schedule for releasing responsibilities to your student teacher. If your student's school gives you a suggested schedule, you should follow that. If not, you can use these guidelines to help you. You need to think about how long your student teacher should spend observing. Make sure they have a few days to observe and take notes on routines. This also gives them time to learn the names of your students. Once your student teacher has a chance to observe your teaching, then you can think about giving him/her more responsibilities. Start slowly. Give your student teacher easy routines first - walking students to other places in the building, read alouds, transition times, etc. Then start planning and co-teaching with your student teache...