
Showing posts from September, 2013

Ziplock Bag Trick

I found a wonderful idea on someone's blog or pinterest (can't remember which) that I tried today.  I put a math center game in a ziplock bag and the kids could write on the bag with dry erase markers.  This was easier than laminating.  The marker came off easily and the added bonus of being able to keep all the materials for the game in one place made this an amazing tip. I'm so glad I found it, but I'm wondering why I never thought of it! Hope you have a wonderful week!   -Techie Turtle Teacher

Math Center Activities

skip counting practice (2.NBT.2) In math on Friday, I had my students rotate through different activities to review some of the NBT concepts that they have learned so far.  I made the rotations using index cards, but I started thinking that it would be a good activity to post on TPT.  The pictures are of my students using the index cards, but the activity on TPT can be printed on cardstock. true/false compare numbers (2.NBT.4) They loved the activity and it gave them a chance to practice the concepts without needing to write.  If you wanted to use it as a grade, you could have the students write their answers after using the cards. Check out this activity on TPT. standard, word, expanded form (2.NBT.3) -Techie Turtle Teacher